Qubic Cloud mobile

We are switching QubicBot Cloud platform from old Windows application to mobile (iOS and Android) app. We also making a significant change to the pricing policy (with exclusions for SmartBots customers).


Cloud changes

QubicCloud becomes much more reliable and stable. We are adding all missing SmartBots features (like bot JS scripts and RLV).

At the very beginning some of QubicBot app features still in development (such as Mass IM feature). We will gradualy add them to the mobile app.

The iOS and Android QubicBot Cloud apps are already available for a closed testing. Please contact us with your Google Play or Apple App Store email to get invited!

New pricing policy

We are introducing the new pricing policy:

  1. The price remains the same (L$50 per week) while QC Mobile is in testing,
  2. The price remains the same until your current Cloud subscription ends (you can check it in new mobile app),
  3. Cloud price becomes L$150 per week for all users invited to beta; and L$200 for all other new users,
  4. The price stills L$50 for all QC bots integrated to SmartBost.

We will also provide volume discounts for 4+ and 10+ cloud bots (to be announced later).

Plans and terms

The old cloud is to be replaced in May. As said above, your current subscription goes to a new cloud in full.

Contact us to get an invitation to a closed testing and get lower cloud prices.